

Nov 18, 2019

11:52 PM



Lucknow ,locally called “nakhlau” and “the city of parks” has no other comparison in terms of its brisk accumulation of wealth and manifestation of this wealth in the form of elaborate buildings and a highly sophisticated lifestyle. It is believed to be firstly settled by “lakshman” on the banks of river  Gomti. Lucknow’s rise of prominence began when the fourth nawab of awadh ,”Asaf-ud-daula” moved his capital from faizabad to lucknow.  With his aristocratic presence the city was endowed with monument ,shiite Mausoleums and imambaras and the pursuit of art, culture , cuisine, And the quintessential “tehzeeb”.A philanthrophic patron of the finer  Aspects of life he encouraged “mushairas”(urdu poet recitals), ”Kabootarbaazi” (pigeon fights),and the art with muslin and embroidery With thread called”chikankari. Awadh follows the later mughal style of architecture inspired from delhi.  Persian ideologies dominated hence use ornamental animal motifs . 

Shiite faith was responsible for the construction of imambaras and 
Karbalas, the most outstanding religious monuments of lucknow.

Use of sandstone ,”lakhauri” bricks , lime mortar or the mortar, Mix of pulse(urad ki daal), gum,”gud”,”singhade ka aata”,and  Red lime(laal chuna) for building construction.

  1. Use of stucco and plaster
  2. Carvings in relief with floral and geometrical motifs,and colourfully Painted.
  3. Delicate execution of  ornamental details and mouldings with, Consisting mainly of foliated  and incised designs.
  4. Stucco ornamentation partly  composed of mother of pearls and  Shells deposited in lake beds with shine finer than that of marble.
  5. Fish most extensively used as ornamental motif.
  6. Most domes crowned by gilded copper,gold plated or Terracotta-coloured finials.
  7. Lower portion of domes were in foliated form of awadh crown and some of the finials were superimposed by a chhatri (canopy).
  8. Terracotta balustrades
  9. Flying buttresses on top of square buildings.
  10. Gateways erected as entrances to monumental  complexes and Pleasure gardens  consisting of recessed arches  rising from same bas And covered with arabesque details.
  11. Massive vaulted roofs 
  12. Hidden cells or labyrinths(bhul bhulaiya)
  13. Subterranean chambers
  14. Baolis(step-wells)
  15. Landscaping around monuments hence “the city of parks”

Two types of buildings:-

  • Religious that is the imambaras and karbalas.
  • Secular buildings that is  the palaces , kothis,and “baradaris” With gardens. 
Palaces or “kothis”:- built on the outskirts of the city for the nawabs  For their own use.
Baradari:- a pavillion with twelve openings
Karbalas:-a religious structure raised in the memory of the sacred  Site of martyrdom of hazrat imam husain and his followers in iraq.


  1. “Imam”(avatar or god) and “bara” (house or ghar) hence  house of god.
  2. Religious edifices used for holding assemblies or “majlies” to mourn The tragic matyrdom of the maternal grandson of the prophet, Hazrat imam husain ,at karbala in iraq.
  3. Patterned on mughal mosque While mosques built by nawabs had no more than two aisles, the  Imambaras could have three, with each aisle divided into three  Chambers, the central one being larger than the two on either side.


Monument approached by two lofty gateways :-
  • South:- main entrance remarkable for its - 
  1. Rectangular plan,
  2. Tri-arched façade of tripolia style 
  3. Bold cusped arches , 
  4. Double set of fishes in thick lime plaster,facing each other on the      spandrels.
  5. Raised parapets are composed miniature domed arches
  6. Square turrets at the corner
  7. Turrets crowned by chhatris or cupolas
  8. In between miniature turrets crowned by guldastas
  9. Side walls have arched galleries on both sides with a series of fluted domes,flanked by octagonal bastions at the corners.
  10. These bastions are crowned by domed chhatris
  • North:-constructed for reasons of symmetry and housed the “naubat Khana”.






Nov 14, 2019

9:17 PM



  1. Stupas are basically hemispherical domes.
  2. Initially the were very ir-regular.
  3. But ashoka thought to make huge stone dome covered by bricks and well decorated.
  4. Though he also placed pillars all over india indicating dharm . 


A stupa is a sacred Buddhist monument built of stone shaped like a pyramid or dome. The form originated in India and was later adopted in many countries in Central, East, and South East Asia. Three types of stupa are shown here (from left to right): Gorin-tou, Hou-tou, and Houkyouin-tou. The Gorin-tou is made up of five pieces of stone, each representing (from the top downwards) one of the five elements: Space, Earth, Fire, Wind, Water. Viewed from above, the Hou-tou has a square roof and is usually decorated with an ornament on top. The Houkyouin-tou is named after the religious text, or sutra, "Houkyou indarani" offered by devotees in China. The design is also found in Japan in the Kamakura period. "Tou" means "tower".

Located within a 24 km (15 mi) radius of Sanchi, the sandstone hills are well furnished with important archaeological sites, but the best preserved of these is the Great Stupa on the Sanchi hill. The Great Stupa is a concrete dome of stone and brick, 37 meters (121 ft) in diameter and 17 meters (56 ft) high, surrounded by a raised roof at its base and surrounded by a stone bastrade. is. At the top of the dome is a platform, or altar, which supports another buster and is crowned by the sacred chhatra. Toranas (large, heavily carved gates) stand at each of the four corners at the base of the dome. It is believed that Emperor Ashoka started the construction of the mound in the third century BC and it was developed until the first century AD (see Indian Art and Architecture). Sanchi remained important for 1,000 years, but was eventually abandoned. Music and errand, Sanchi was exposed in the early 19th century. Its cultural and historical significance was acknowledged in 1989 when it was declared a World Heritage Site. 

Great Stupa, Sanchi

The great stupa at Sanchi in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh was built in the third century BC. And was built between the early advertising of the first century. The concrete temple is surrounded by an outer stone fence surrounded by pylons (gates). Devotees surround the dome, which represents the world mountain. A harika (four-sided enclosure) above the dome represents the sky and surrounds the Yasti, a spire with three chatras (discs) that represent the axis of the universe.

  1. It was made of hemispherical dome and bricks were layed on it.
  2. A fencing was also given which was called vedika.
  3. 4 gateways were also given on 4 cardinal points of fencing.
  4. Idea of gateway was taken from bamboo gate ways of aryan village.


Intricate relief carvings, depicting elephants, horses, camels, and human figures decorate the gateways (a detail of which is shown here) to the Great Stupa at Sanchi.

Oct 21, 2019

9:22 AM



  1. Vijaynagar is also called “city of victory” from its name vijaya meaning “victory” and nagara meaning “city". Presently known as Hampi. 
  2. Vijaynagar empire (1350-1565) was founded by Harihar and Bukka also called the Sangama brothers. It is situated on the bank of Tungabhadra river. 
  3. Its power peaked under Krishnadevaraya (1509-29), when it controlled nearly the whole of the peninsula south of the Krishna and Tungabhadra rivers. 
  4. A number of temples, monuments, palaces and other structures were built during this period.



  1. Vijaynagar style of art is a combination of the Cholas, Pandyas, Chalukya-Hoysala and the Indo-Islamic art of the Bijapur region.
  2. Its stylistic hallmark is the ornate pillared Kalyanamantapa (marriage hall), Vasanthamantapa (open pillared halls) and the Rayagopura (tower).
  3. Another element of the Vijayanagara style is the carving of large monolithic sculptures.
  4. Vijayanagar architects concentrated on building enormous halls however many additions were made to existing temples in an effort to enlarge them rather than construct them. 



  1. Concentric series of rectangular enclosure walls with the gopuras (towered gateways) in the middle of each side and main temple in the center.
  2. Gopurams became taller with enhanced richness in the sculptural details.
  3. Absence of mortar in their construction.
  4. Distinct scheme of decoration in terms of architectural space.
  5. Another major feature is the carved pillars - with the rearing simhas (lions), yalis (lions with elephant trunks.
  6. The spacious mandapams became even larger .

  1. Decorative friezes were utilized on the plinth moulding, caves, gopuras, pillars etc.
  2. Separate shrines were also made like the Amman shrine ,usually north west to the temple to keep an image of the consort if deity.
  3. The construction of several mandapas, the Kalyana mandapa being the most conspicuous among them, was a notable feature of the period.
  4. It was usually north west to the main temple.
  5. The pillars had been adorned with characters of Indian mythology.

Oct 20, 2019

6:02 AM



One of the most refined and finished manifestations of indian architecture in the indo-aryan style is found in a group of temples at khajuraho in central india. These temples have weathered the climate for a thousand years but still stand well preserved and in a good condition .Situated over a hundred miles south-east of the town of jhansi, these temples are over thirty in number,most of them occupying a site measuring a square mile in extent.



Two rajput families the pratihara dynasty(8th-11th century) and the chandela dynasty(10th-13th century), from west india advanced into the northern and centeral parts of india and established their kingdoms khajuraho, later called bundelkhand was the capital of chandela dynasty. once there were 85 beautiful temples but now only 30 are left.
    khajuraho is situated in a valley which is surrounded on all sides by hills. It is in a rugged territory and the terrain is extremely difficult. Rocks and thick jungles abound. Except rainfall, water is scanty. Rain water is stored in several tanks and lakes. Subterranean water, of indifferent taste, is the main source of water supply. The land is not fertile and there is little agriculture. The only consideration which lead the chandelles to found there capital at khajuraho was its terrain which accorded the city an excellent protection against invasion. This region has a developed stone art to its most sophisticated standards. 


  1. The temple, in general, stands on a jagrati (terraces) which in a number of cases had karnaprasadas (subsidiary shrines at corners). 
  2. Sometimes a smaller shrine faces the main temple, the former containing the vahana ( vehicle) or avatara (incarnation), or the devi of the diety enshrined in the latter.
  3. The garbhgraha is its pivot from where the temple expands horizontally. On the talacchanda(ground plan) and vertically on the urdhvacchanda( elevation).
  4. The general plan has a mandapa infront of the garbhgraha, the ardha -mandapa( entrance portico) and the mukhacatuski (porch) facing the whole. 

subsidiary shrines at corners

  1. The Eastern group
  2. The Eastern group  (jaina) 
  3. The eastern Group  (brahamical) 
  4. The southern Group (brahamical) 






Oct 18, 2019

3:44 AM



‌Being An Architect you are always in touch with these softwares , We use AutoCAD In regular basis , without AutoCAD it will like Architect has no hands , In Architecture field , this is most important software for An Architect , Draft man , Structure engineer etc . But after office or without laptop , Our work can't go ahead . Although we can't do our work in mobile or Tablet but we would must like to see and check our files in mobile . In Architect office , People work on Not only in AutoCAD but also more software like  3D google sketch up or Revit for graphics Photoshop . Here I m describing few softwares for mobile , also form where ,  we can download it . 

  1. AutoCAD 360 viewer
  2. Sketch up viewer
  3. Revit file viewer
  4. Photoshop file viewer
AutoCAD 360 viewer - 

This is also a software of Auto desk company . Company developed It for mobile phone and tablets . In AutoCAD 360 mobile , we can view our files in it and can make some corrections . Persons who can't give more time in office , it will be more useful for them. We can download it from google play store .


‌Sketch up Viewer - 

This is the software of Trimble Inc. Company . Which Sketch up , we use in laptop , That's developed by Google . But sketch up viewer mobile is also works as Sketch up . As my personal experience I can say we can't make difference after using it. But this is a viewer software . You can see your sketch up file properly but can't make corrections . We can download it from google play store .
‌A360 viewer - 

This is also developed by Auto desk . It can use for open our Revit files. Dwg , Rvt etc files can be opened in it . Rivet is also 3d software of Autodesk company like 3ds Max .We can download it from google play store .


Photoshop or Adobe Photoshop . This is totally different form laptop Photoshop . Because laptop Photoshop is big software to work that's why company breaks it in 3-4 parts for mobile . These 3-4 Photoshop software may be used as photoshop work in mobile .We can download it from google play store .


Oct 17, 2019

1:58 AM



In architectural field , everyone requires all of these software for Drawing , modelling , Rendering , graphics but if we want to buy, it will be costly for us . Every year Autodesk or Another company launch higher version of any software and people always want new feature to use , But it’s not possible with older version . And People also don’t like to purchase a software every year . here , I have a trick to download any version of any software with crack and licenced . 

Step – 1 

Type “ The pirate bay “  on Google search bar 


 Step - 2 

Click on the first link , you will see in google search .

Step - 3 

Click on server of country from which you belong .

Step - 4 

click on browse torrents


Step - 5

in search bar – type  software name with version
 Step - 6 

After this,  it will show number of links , from which link you want to download , move you mouse pointer there , and  right click and open a new window . 

Step - 7 

In this page , It will show " Get this Torrent " click on it and it will " Open magnet URI " Before doing this , Download torrent software like vuze , utorrent etc in your devices  .

Step - 8

This link will open in your torrent software . click ok and it will start .


Oct 16, 2019

9:25 PM



  1. Abode of mystery.
  2. In no time a phantom of darkness with dim cells surrounds it.
  3. The focal point is a sacred chamber deep within the labyrinth of its endless corridors.
  4. Complex and determined.
  5. The walls are pulsed with imagination.
  6. Inscription art is rare. Economography and carved motif composition.
  7. The natural markings and textures of the stone have a vivid and colorful effect depending on the shape.
  8. Orientation EV
  9. against. Theory - Trotter
  10. Dry masonry
  11. The horizon
  12. Architecture is almost entirely confined to temples.



  1. Clarity of mosque
  2. Courts open to light and air with many doorways inviting publicity
  3. No need of a central shrine
  4. Wholly visible and intelligible
  5. Representation of natural forms is prohibited
  6. Decorative lettering in sculptured texts
  7. Broke up the wall surfaces in patterns of diffrent colored marble painted plaster, glazed tiles
  8. Orientation towards Mecca
  9. Mortar masonry
  10. Skyline- Dome
Add caption

  2. TOMBS
  4. FORTS



5:24 AM



  1. Malwa – a region towards the west center of the country.
  2. The provincial style of Indo-Islamic architecture in Malwa speaks of 2 cities- Dhar and Mandu.


  1. Alp khan gauri laid the foundation of the most grand and dramatic forts of islamic arch.
  2. Was made the capital for security reasons
  3. An area of 31sq.Km. Within fortress walls over 25miles in circumference .      


Salient features 

Monuments at Dhar and Mandu have various elements derived from various styles of buildings at Delhi such as, Battered walls and pointed arch with spear-head “fringe” of early Tughlaqs Arch-lintel-bracket combination of Firuz, forming it out of the temple materials “Boat-keel” dome and pyramidal roof of Lodis. 
Combining two structural systems of arch with pillar and beam,forming out of temple material .
Long and stately flights of steps leading to their entrances. 
Elements of colour Polychromatic ornamentation. Colour effect obtained by 2 methods 
  • Coloured stones & marbles 
  • Encaustic tiles have been used 
Material Actual masonry is of sandstone of lovely red shade, obtained from adjacent quarries of Bijawar. 
White marble was used as an overlay. Black, yellow, slate colours and in the interiors, semi-precious stones such as jasper, agate & cornelian have also been used. The most colouristic effect was obtained by glazing. 
Borders and panels in patterns of strong but harmonious blues and yellows painted on tiles. 

 Important monuments of Malwa
  1. Jami Masjid (1440 A.D.)
  2. Tomb of Hushang Shah (1440 A.D.)
  3. Ashrafi Mahal
  4. Royal Palace Complex
  5. Chanderi Kushk Mahal (1445 A.D.)
  1. Begun by Hoshang Shah, son of Dilawar Khan Ghuri & finished by his successor Sultan Mahmud I about 1440A.D.
  2. 2 subsidiary entrances on the northern side also for the use of priest & zenana.
  3. Entrance hall bears Coloured borders and panels in glazed tiles.
  4. The pillared halls on north & south sides are 3 aisles deep, that on east is 2 aisles deep while that on west has 5 aisles.
  5. Covers a sq. of 288’ side and on its eastern front, it is prolonged another 100’ by a projecting domed entrance hall & a wide flight of steps.
  6. Courtyard (162’ sq.) is surrounded by domed arcades, 11 openings in each side.


  1. The domed turrets and piers are those of Firuzian style but the arches retain the ogee profile.
  2. Sanctuary has 3 large domes and the entire formation of the roof is covered with cylindrical cupolas, one being placed over each bay of the interior
  3. Sculptured mihrabs at regular intervals in the qibla wall,& an elegantly designed member in the central bay.
  4. The domes of the Jami masjid’s prayer hall, echoing that of the entrance pavilion, are in turn echoed by Hoshang Shah’s tomb beyond the qibla.

  1. Built by Hushang shah Ghuri in 1440.
  2. Completed by his successor Mahmud Khalji.
  3. Whole building is a square structure on a broad plinth, surmounted by a large central dome with a cupola at each corner.
  4. Situated on the west wall of Jami Masjid.
  5. Stands in the centre of a square enclosure.
  6. Domed portico on north side of enclosure.
  7. Pillared cloister along the west side, for devotions and accommodations.
  8. Triple openings on two of its sides.
  9. Central archway on the south providing the doorway.

Oct 15, 2019

8:54 PM



      The Rumi Darwaza, the main gateway of the BARA IMAMBARA complex is standing horizontally on the old Hardeo Road. Rumi Darwaza is one of the most impressive gateways not only in Lucknow or India but also the whole world. The gateway lays Northwest of Bada Imambara. It is interesting to note that Nawab Asaf-ud-Daula, like the Bada Imambara, also commissioned Rumi Darwaza. 


 It was constructed in the year 1784 by Nawab Asaf-ud-daula. The Rumi Darwaza is an example of the fine architectural style of Awadh. The Rumi Darwaza of Lucknow is also known by the name of Turkish Gateway since it is supposed to be identical in design to a similar gateway in ancient Constantinople. The word "Rumi" is derived from the modern day Rome that used to be Istanbul, the capital city of Eastern Roman Empire. The Rumi Darwaza is one of the finest gateways that has been built in Lucknow and is highly inspired by a similar gateway in Istanbul.

The Rumi Darwaza goes up to a staggering height of 60 feet. The uppermost part of Rumi Darwaza comprises of an octagonal Chatri (Umbrella) carved beautifully that can be accessed by a staircase.      

    Thisloftly archway consists of an 18.28- meter high portal surmounted by an elaburate cupola and flanked by cusped windows with octagonal bastions at the sides .

     The architect of rumi darwaza designed a unique, massive gate way with recessed arches, both plain and cusped,in lakhauri brick and thick lime plaster with floral motifs crowning the apex of inner arch. The outer arch has bold and broad lotus petals alternated by solid turrets with floral pattern. The mughal element is noticeable in the minarets, crowned by octagonal chhatris.


   The apex of outer arch is crown by an octagonal domed kiosk, which has added considerable symmetry and grandeur form. On the western side, the gateway has three openings. The actuate ceiling is decorated with floral motifs. On top of the Rumi Darwaza was kept a huge lantern that would light up the structure at night making it look absolutely fabulous. Little jets of water would rush out of the sides of the arch from beautifully carved flower buds thus making it look like a gateway to Paradise. The beautifully carved flowers and designs speak volumes about the unique architectural style and eye for detail. The Rumi Darwaza is truly a splendor.
1:09 AM



Jahangir died in rajauri, as he was leaving lahore for kashmir. His body was brought back to lahore and buried in nur jahan's garden, on the banks of the river ravi. Jahangir’s tomb was built in a.D.1626 at shahadara (lahore)by his wife Noor jahan. It is a 325 ft. (99 m.) Side square structure.


  1. There is huge 1,500ft.(457.3m.)Square garden within which the tomb is set.
  2. The ground covers 55 acres & are laid out in the classical charbagh pattern with bisecting perpendicular paths.
  3. It is divided into 16 equal squares with a fountain & a pool to mark each intersection.
  4. The entire structure constructed by brick with applied colour surfaces. 
  5. At each corner of which are planted 100 ft high minarets.  
  6. The central octagonal chamber is separated from the outer surrounding arcades by walls 19 m thick.

At each corner of the square structure are planter 100 ft. (30.5m.) High octagonal minarets rising in five segments.  The shaft is decorated in chvrons of pink & white marble & a domed kiosk crowns each minaret. To the west of the charbagh tomb garden, there is a related, rectangular enclosure known as the Akbari Seria, which served as the forecourt, or chowk-i jilo khana, for the mausoleum.  Originally, the crypt had a second floor; a platform still exists, built on top of the large square one.  It is, however, believed that the second story remained unroofed: before his death, Jahangir, like his ancestor Babur, had requested that his tomb be left open to the sky.  A small mosque stands at its western wall.
12:51 AM



Humayun's Tomb is now one of the best-preserved Mughal monuments in Delhi. The tomb design is attributed to Sayyid Muhammad and his father, Mirak Sayyid Ghiyath - Persian architects . The tomb is situated south of the Old Foart , on the eastern edge of Delhi. It is set in the center of a garden in the classical Mughal char bagh pattern. 

One of the earliest constructions of the Mughal era is Humayun's Tomb, a large complex, with a garden divided into quadrants (char bagh) and the mausoleum in the middle. Humayun designed it as a garden for the public and after his death, his senior Queen, Haji Begum, built his tomb there. It took 9 years to complete. The tomb is in the centre of a 10-hectare plot.


The garden is divided into four parts by two bisecting water channels with paved walkways. which terminate at two gates - a main one in the southern wall, and a smaller one in the western wall.
  1. The tomb sits at the center of a plinth, about 21feet (7m) high.
  2. The top of its central dome reaches 140 feet from the ground.
  3. The dome is double-layered; the outer layer supports the white marble exterior facing, while the inner one defines the cavernous interior volume. The rest of the tomb is clad in red sandstone, with white marble ornamentation .
Built with red sandstone and marble, it has a dome and became the prototype for Mughal mausoleums. In true Persian style, there is an iwan in the centre of each side. The shape of the mausoleum is square, a sign of the influence of Jain architecture on the Mughals. Also called a cenotaph, the actual tomb is in a basement under a chamber. This concept was brought down from central Asia by Mughals, who are Mongol descendants. 
  Humayun's Tomb. Similar to the Taj Mahal in purpose, however as mentioned earlier this tomb was built by the wife for her husband, the king. It inspired several major architectural innovations, culminating in the construction of the Taj Mahal. Notice the people standing in the center of the picture at the base of the tomb.

Oct 14, 2019

6:39 AM



Discovered in 1856 A.D., When a railway track between Karachi and Lahore was being laid.Two great cities were discovered

1. HARRAPA excavated by Madho Sarup Vats in Punjab

2. MOHEN-JO-DARO by Sir John Marshal on the Indus River


  1. Highly advanced system of town planning
  2. Built up directly as urban centers planned as integrated units
  3. Citadel with fortified walls enclosing big buildings used for some public , royal or religious purpose rested on high mud – brick platforms
  4. Lower city laid out on grid-iron pattern
  5. Main streets 10m wide in E-W and N-S directions intersecting each other at right angle.
  6. Main streets divided the area into regular rectangular or sq. Blocks containing dwelling houses, shops and factories, with access to smaller streets and lanes.
  7. Houses always opened on these alleys and side streets.


  1. Kiln-burnt bricks for construction of defense works, important Buildings and walls of houses.
  2. Sun-dried mud bricks to raise platforms and to fill in floor areas and courtyards.
  3. Bricks were cemented together with mud mortar.
  4. Laid in English bond – a course of stretchers alternating with a course of headers.
  5. Mud plaster for inner walls .


  1. Houses had their own private bathrooms
  2. Bathroom floors paved with burnt bricks , sloped into one corner
  3. House drain carried the soiled water to the street conduit, 30-60cm. Deep covered with bricks or stone
  4. At regular intervals – traps for inspection and manholes
  5. Street channels opened into bigger corbel-vaulted sewers that emptied into the river


  1. Chief building In the mohen-jo-daro is citadel .
  2. A complex of verandahs and rooms ranged around the sides of a rect. Pool 12x7m with a depth of 2.44m laid in n-s axis
  3. Flight of steps on the shorter side leads to 30cm high platform
  4. The floor and walls of the pool made of neatly fitted bricks coated with bitumen to make them waterproof
  5. Floor sloped towards the drain hole