

Oct 15, 2019



      The Rumi Darwaza, the main gateway of the BARA IMAMBARA complex is standing horizontally on the old Hardeo Road. Rumi Darwaza is one of the most impressive gateways not only in Lucknow or India but also the whole world. The gateway lays Northwest of Bada Imambara. It is interesting to note that Nawab Asaf-ud-Daula, like the Bada Imambara, also commissioned Rumi Darwaza. 


 It was constructed in the year 1784 by Nawab Asaf-ud-daula. The Rumi Darwaza is an example of the fine architectural style of Awadh. The Rumi Darwaza of Lucknow is also known by the name of Turkish Gateway since it is supposed to be identical in design to a similar gateway in ancient Constantinople. The word "Rumi" is derived from the modern day Rome that used to be Istanbul, the capital city of Eastern Roman Empire. The Rumi Darwaza is one of the finest gateways that has been built in Lucknow and is highly inspired by a similar gateway in Istanbul.

The Rumi Darwaza goes up to a staggering height of 60 feet. The uppermost part of Rumi Darwaza comprises of an octagonal Chatri (Umbrella) carved beautifully that can be accessed by a staircase.      

    Thisloftly archway consists of an 18.28- meter high portal surmounted by an elaburate cupola and flanked by cusped windows with octagonal bastions at the sides .

     The architect of rumi darwaza designed a unique, massive gate way with recessed arches, both plain and cusped,in lakhauri brick and thick lime plaster with floral motifs crowning the apex of inner arch. The outer arch has bold and broad lotus petals alternated by solid turrets with floral pattern. The mughal element is noticeable in the minarets, crowned by octagonal chhatris.


   The apex of outer arch is crown by an octagonal domed kiosk, which has added considerable symmetry and grandeur form. On the western side, the gateway has three openings. The actuate ceiling is decorated with floral motifs. On top of the Rumi Darwaza was kept a huge lantern that would light up the structure at night making it look absolutely fabulous. Little jets of water would rush out of the sides of the arch from beautifully carved flower buds thus making it look like a gateway to Paradise. The beautifully carved flowers and designs speak volumes about the unique architectural style and eye for detail. The Rumi Darwaza is truly a splendor.

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